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Eyebrow hair transplantation



Eyebrows are very defining in a face, giving depth and expression. Are your eyebrows too thin or completely gone? With HST Transplantation, it is possible to reconstruct eyebrows and restore natural facial hair growth. The fine-mesh HST technique is a unique, definitive solution for hair restoration in the face.



How does HST work?

HST transplants a tiny part of the hair follicle using precision instruments and not the entire hair follicle. The sophisticated method leaves virtually no scars and is a definitive solution for facial hair restoration, even in cases of scarring or burns.

HST is thus much more widely applicable than conventional hair transplant methods such as FUT and FUE and is frequently used for reconstruction of facial hair, such as eyebrows. Thanks to the delicacy of the technique, little recovery time is required and the recipient and donor areas heal quickly.

Of all the eyebrow transplant options for women, the refined HST method gives the most beautiful, natural result. A unique technique whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven. Our doctors specialise in giving your eyebrows the desired and most natural shape.



Not all of the woman’s hair needs to be trimmed to perform an HST hair transplant. It’s an option to shave only a small area on the back of the head – called the donor area. Whether this is possible, is determined by on the number of grafts to be extracted. After the treatment, the surrounding hair will cover the shaved area. This makes the treatment nearly invisible. Our medical doctors and technicians use precision instruments, so little recovery time is required and the recipient and donor area heal quickly.

Safe & reliable

HST hair transplantation is a safe medical-cosmetic procedure that causes little to no discomfort. Our treatments barely leave any scars and the scalp generally recovers quickly. The treatment is performed under a local anaesthetic and you won’t feel a thing during the procedure. You can immediately go home afterwards.



When reconstructing eyebrows it is very important to implant the hair in the correct shape and hair growth direction. Fortunately, an eyebrow transplant with the revolutionary HST method offers you a permanent solution, with the most beautiful and refined result. Our medical doctors are specialized and well-trained to give your beard or mustache the desired and most natural looking shape.


The gold standard for eyebrow hair transplants is HST Transplantation. Of all the options for hair transplants the sophisticated HST method gives the best, most natural result. The harvested grafts are very small, ensuring dense hair implant and beautiful result that lasts a lifetime.

HST uses the power of nature by drawing on the capacity for regeneration of parts from which the hair generate. What is unique about this innovative technique is that only a small part of the hair follicle, instead of the entire follicle, is harvested from the donor area.


HST is a unique method of eyebrow transplantation. In a no-obligation consultation, the doctor thoroughly examines your personal situation. Based on this medical diagnosis, you will receive tailor-made advice, detailed in a personal treatment plan. A consultation is free and without obligation.