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HST Transplantation



HST Transplantation is a unique, patented hair transplant technique whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven. The results of HST are second to none. No other hair transplant technique comes close to HST. It is considered the cream of the crop in the field of hair transplantation.

μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών

Hair transplantation


The core of this revolutionary technique is that only a part of a hair follicle – and not the entire hair follicle – is needed to form one or more new hairs. The grafts (tissue with hair follicle), which are transferred from the donor area to the recipient area, contain parts of the follicle from which the hair is regenerated. In that case, an HST treatment can be a good and definitive solution. It is the most effective procedure to thicken hair and create volume. The harvested grafts are incredibly small, which is why the implantation is finely detailed and highly natural.

The grafts (tissue with hair follicle), which are transferred from the donor area to the recipient area, contain parts of the follicle. The tiny piece of hair follicle harvested with a very small needle contains enough parts of the follicle to grow hair in the new spot.

Sufficient parts of the follicle also remain in the donor area, so that hair continues to grow in the donor area as well. HST also uses a special (also patented) growth medium that stimulates the viability and growth capacity of the parts of the follicle.

The harvested grafts are super-small and are placed in close proximity to each other, making the new implant fine-grained and very natural. Transplanted hair follicles continue to produce hair for a lifetime. HST is the most effective procedure to densify hair and create volume.

You can undergo a hair transplant using the sophisticated, patented HST method only at one of the certified Hair Science Clinics.

Nothing compares

No other hair transplant technique rivals HST. Hair Science Clinic is therefore different from all other hair clinics. You can undergo a hair transplant using the sophisticated, patented HST method only at one of Hair Science Institute’s certified Hair Science Clinics.

Hair Transplantation Methods

Until recently, the available methods for additional hair applied worldwide were FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), as well as variations of these methods, which do not differ substantially from each other and their existence mainly serves promotional purposes. These methods are based on extracting an intact hair follicle from the donor area and transplanting it to the recipient.





Nothing compares to the physical effects of HST. The result is lifelong, with preservation of the donor area.


Mr. Ioannidis Dimitrios completed the specialty of Dermatologist-Aphrodisiac at the University Clinic of the Hospital of Aphrodisiacs and Dermatological Diseases of Thessaloniki. He was employed at the Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, after being awarded a “Fogarty” fellowship (Fellowship in Immunodermatology) by the National Institute of Health of the USA. (National Institute of Health).

He was elected Lecturer of the Medical School of the University of Thessalonica in Dermatology-Venoresiology, and successively Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Full Professor in 2010. In May 2009 he was elected by the Department of Pathology of the Medical School of A.U.Th. Director of the First University Dermatology Clinic at the Hospital of Venereal and Skin Diseases of Thessaloniki, a position he assumed on September 1 of the same year and held until August 31, 2023 (14 years).

Know the benefits of HST

In FUE hair transplantation, complete hair follicles are harvested from the donor area with a hollow needle and placed in the recipient area. In HST, we do not remove the entire hair follicle. Parts of the follicle also remain in the donor area. As a result, hair regrowth takes place there as well. No scars or bald patches are left on the back of the head.

With HST, harvesting is done with patented precision instruments. As a result, the grafts are much smaller than with conventional techniques. The result is high hair density and a 100% natural look.

Get your hair back with the HST method!


HST is a very safe procedure where you experience virtually no discomfort. Treatment leaves practically no scars and the scalp recovers quickly. The treatment is performed with local anaesthesia. As a result, you feel nothing during the procedure. Immediately afterwards, you can leave our Hair Science Clinic on your own.

The highest medical standards apply in our clinics. Every Hair Science Clinic medical professional is officially registered and certified in the HST method.

Our in-house R & D department works structurally to perfect the HST technique. For this, we cooperate with universities and academic hospitals all over the world. Thus, we continuously improve the instruments, efficiency and customer-friendliness of our HST treatment.


In a no-obligation consultation, the doctor will review your personal situation. From this medical diagnosis, we draw up tailor-made advice for you, worked out in a personal treatment plan. A consultation is free and non-binding. Together, we look at the options available to you.

Μέθοδος Μεταμόσχευσης FUE


Of all the hair transplant options, a HST Transplant gives the most beautiful, natural-looking results. The transplanted grafts (hair follicles) are placed close together, ensuring high hair density and a natural-looking hairline.

We pay close attention to the original hairline. A common mistake with hair transplants is an unnatural or too sharp hairline that does not fit the face well. That is why we determine the ideal hairline in advance, together with you. This is how we achieve the most natural hairline.

Μέθοδος Μεταμόσχευσης FUT


An HST can almost always be performed in one day and usually takes 8-10 hours. Before and after the procedure, we will give you instructions that optimise the safety and final result of the treatment. The procedure is done under local anaesthetic and is considered painless by most people. During the harvesting and reinsertion of the grafts, we make it as comfortable as possible for you.

1. Local anesthesia

You remain mobile throughout the day and are not under the influence of sedative medication. Just calling or stretching your legs is just possible. The doctor will then mark the reception area together with you and we will offer you a lunch of your choice.
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2. Replacing the grafts

In the afternoon, after anesthesia, the doctor prepares the receiving area, after which the technician places the grafts in their new position. When the treatment is finished, the doctor will do a complete check-up and we will take more pictures. You will receive instructions and supplies for aftercare. Our doctors and technicians use precision instruments that require little recovery time and heal the recipient and donor area quickly.
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3. Aftercare

A day, a week and a month after the treatment there are contact moments to check how you are doing. In the meantime, you can of course always contact our specialists at Hair Science Clinic with questions.
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4. Safe and reliable

HST is a safe medical-cosmetic procedure in which you experience virtually no discomfort. A treatment leaves no visible scars and the scalp recovers quickly. The treatment is performed with local anesthesia. You will not feel anything during the procedure. Immediately afterwards you can leave our Hair Science Clinic independently.
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The cost of a hair transplant is determined partly by the number of grafts to be transplanted. How many grafts are needed for a successful HST Transplant varies from person to person and from situation to situation.

Other factors also play a role: the quality of the donor hair, the course of hair loss, the health of the donor area, your overall health and your personal wishes. Colour and texture of the hair also determine the result, as we aim for natural coverage.

In short: an HST treatment is tailor-made. During a free, no-obligation consultation, the doctor will make a full medical diagnosis. Based on this, you will receive a personalised treatment plan including a cost quote.


HST is a patented, sophisticated technique for hair transplantation, developed from decades of scientific research. The treatment is very safe and has a host of advantages over other hair transplant techniques: minimal scarring, fine-grained implantation, lifelong results and possibilities for hair restoration of facial hair (eyebrows, beard). The natural results of HST are second to none.

HST is performed exclusively at official Hair Science Clinics, with locations in Amsterdam, Maastricht, Düsseldorf, London, Paris, Cap d’Antibes, Milan, Dubai, Jakarta, Bali and Hong Kong. An international team of highly trained doctors and technicians provide top care to the highest medical standards.

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For many forms of baldness, a hair transplant is an optimal solution. In a no-obligation consultation, the doctor thoroughly examines your personal situation. From this medical diagnosis, you receive customised advice, worked out in a personal treatment plan. A consultation is valuable for you, but also for us.